OneNet Releases its First Connector
The H2020 OneNet project has released its first connector, a significant step towards a mature interoperable system.
The connector, part of the innovative OneNet architecture, is now available for all demo clusters to test and integrate. It offers user-friendly interfaces both as REST APIs and GUI (Graphical User Interface) and enables users to exchange data with the rest of the connected users.
The newly released connector has a pre-defined dynamically evolving list of cross-platform services, their business objects, and their corresponding data profiles to ensure that all users can speak the same language in semantic and data terms.
Combining the International Data Spaces principles with the FIWARE advantages, the OneNet connector is part of a middleware structure that ensures seamless and secure data exchanges as all real data is being exchanged directly and securely between the participants, while the OneNet system administers only basic metadata related to the data exchange.
A forthcoming release will include much more sophisticated features, such as identity management and data access policies, data quality checking, resource management and usage control.
This release will also include a powerful ‘orchestration workbench’ that will allow participants to deploy and evaluate their services on data coming from the OneNet system and integrate it with analytics and data visualisation features. Furthermore, targeted Privacy and Cybersecurity tools will ensure that the system runs under optimised and secure conditions.