OneNet Final Event
Join us on 5 March 2024 for the OneNet Project Final Event in Brussels and online!
This occasion marks the culmination of years of innovation, collaboration, and transformative efforts in reshaping Europe’s electrical landscape.
Watch the live-stream
Event Details:
Date: 5 March 2024
Location: Bluepoint, Boulevard Auguste Reyers 80, Brussels, Belgium
9:00 – 9:10: Welcome by Antonello Monti (Fraunhofer)
9:10 – 9:20: Vision of OneNet: Ferdinando Bosco (Engineering) and Antonello Monti (Fraunhofer)
9:20 – 9:30: Keynote Speech by Mark van Stiphout (European Commission)
9:30 – 10:15: Panel discussion on TSO-DSO coordination / Market Design
Moderator: Helena Gerard (Vito)
- Mark van Stiphout (European Commission)
- Charles Esser (E.DSO)
- Siddesh Gandhi (ENTSO-E)
- Peter Hermans (SME advisor)
10:15 – 11:15: Coffee break, networking and pitching sessions by the Demo clusters
- Northern Cluster: Jan Segerstam (Volue)
- Southern Cluster: Manolis Zoulias (UoA) and Markos Asprou (University of Cyprus)
- Western Cluster: Madalena Lacerda (E-REDES)
- Eastern Cluster: Primož Rušt (Eles)
11:15 – 12:30: Panel discussion on the Demos
Moderator: José Pablo Chaves Ávila (Comillas)
- Madalena Lacerda (E-REDES)
- Jan Segerstam (volue)
- Rušt Primož (ELES)
- Markos Asprou (University of Cyprus)
12:30 – 14:00: Lunch break
14:00 – 14:45: Panel discussion on Customer Engagement
Moderator: Nicolò Rossetto (EUI)
- Daniele Stampatori (EUI)
- Laurent Schmitt (Digital4Grids)
- Dimitri Vergne (BEUC)
- Adriana Guth (EC)
14:45 – 15:45: Panel discussion on Data Spaces
Moderator: Kalle Kukk (Elering)
- Ferdinando Bosco (Engineering)
- Georg Hartner (Oesterreichs Energie, EDDIE project)
- Konstantinos Stamatis (DG ENER)
- Natalie Samovich (Enercoutim, ETIP SNET)
15:45 – 16:45: A Roadmap for the way forward
Moderator: Peter Hermans (SME advisor)
- Antonello Monti (Fraunhofer)
- Gwen Willeghems (Vito)
- Madalena Lacerda (E-REDES)
- Jukka Rinta-Luomo (Fingrid)
- Sonia Jimenez (International Data Spaces Association – IDSA)
- Norela Constantinescu (ENTSO-E)
- Richard Vidlicka (CEZ Group)
- Vassilis Sakas (European Dynamics)