OneNet Open Days – Spotlight on the demonstrators
The Open Days will shine a light on the four OneNet demo clusters covering the whole of Europe
On 27 and 28 June 2022, the H2020 project OneNet is organising a two-part online event to shine a light on the OneNet demonstration clusters.
OneNet includes several demos that are organised in four clusters covering the whole of Europe. Each cluster involves multiple DSOs and TSOs to implement new market concepts and new flexibility solutions and test them in a real life environment.
In this online event, each demo cluster will briefly present the novel solutions they are bringing to the European electricity sector, followed by a moderated discussion on a specific, distinct topic.
The live presentations by the demo clusters are complemented by pre-recorded OneNet video pills that introduce each demo cluster.
Day 1 | 27June 2022 | 14.00 – 15.30 CEST | Zoom (online) | Northern and Eastern Cluster
14.00 – 14.10 Welcome
14.10 – 14.40 Northern Demo Cluster
Presentation by the demo leader(s)
Discussion on the Northern Cluster’s “regional approach (market design, flexibility platform) and common TSO/DSO products”
14.40 – 15.10 Eastern Demo Cluster
Presentation by the demo leader(s)
Discussion on “customer engagement” in the Eastern Cluster (TBC)
15.10 – 15.25 Q&A with the audience
15.25 – 15.30 Thank you & outlook day 2
Day 2 | 28 June 2022 | 11.00 – 12.30 CEST | Zoom (online) | Western and Southern Cluster
11.00 – 11.10 Welcome
11.10 – 11.40 Western Demo Cluster
Presentation by the demo leader(s)
Discussion on the Western Cluster’s “System Operators’ Flexibility, Operational and Market mechanisms””
11.40 – 12.10 Southern Demo Cluster
Presentation by the demo leader(s)
Discussion on ““TSO-DSO-consumer cooperation” in the Southern Cluster
12.10 – 12.25 Q&A with the audience
12.25 – 12.30 Thank you
Watch our videos!
Watch our OneNet Video Pills to get up to speed with the OneNet demos ahead of the event:
OneNet Eastern Demo Cluster presented by Primož Rušt (ELES)
OneNet Northern Demo Cluster presented by Poria Divshali (Enerim)
OneNet Western Demo Cluster presented by José Miguel Cruz (E-REDES)
OneNet Southern Demo Cluster presented by Emmanouil Zoulias (University of Athens)
About OneNet
The H2020 OneNet project aims to
… create a fully replicable and scalable architecture that enables …
… the whole European electrical system to operate as a single system in which …
… a variety of markets allows …
… the universal participation of stakeholders regardless of their physical location – at every level from small consumer to large producers.
To achieve these goals, OneNet brings together >70 partners, including E.DSO and ENTSO-E, a large set of TSOs and DSOs, leading IT companies and renowned research institutions from all across Europe